Tomorrow’s Student will give schools the tools to help fight social media addiction and cyberbullying.
"Social Media is a Toxic Mirror"
TIME Magazine
"Daily users of social media are 5 times likelier to use tobacco, 3 times likelier to use alcohol and twice as likely to use marijuana"
CASA at Columbia University,
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
"Online hate campaigns can drive their victims to depression, even suicide."
The Times
Tomorrow's Student has been created to provide schools with a tool that aims to reduce the dangers of social media and improve students’ focus, productivity, sleep and personal interactions.
The effective use of smart devices within schools is an essential skill for children to learn and necessary for parental contact and safety, but at what point does casual use become an addiction? What are the detrimental effects on students?
Tomorrow’s Student offers schools a Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile App Management (MAM) solution enabling them to control what pupils can access via their smart devices, including the ability to disable the camera and browser functions.
Tomorrow’s Student has taken the view that the extreme use of mobile devices in schools affects not only a child’s ability to learn and focus, but also their ability to develop the skills necessary to build meaningful relationships and work towards long-term goals and achievements.
It is well documented that looking at the manicured lives of friends on social media can actually cause depression in individuals, leading to...
Increased Isolation
Studies show that heavy users of social media and the internet are increasingly likely to suffer from feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Rise in Suicide Rates
Statistics show a dramatic rise in suicide rates amongst centennials and millennials; some academics attribute this to social media and internet use.
Interaction and Morale
Real life relationships are suffering as children no longer take as much time to interact with each other in the real world.
Studies show that even though a child may only look at their device for a few minutes, it is the amount of time that it takes them to get back on task after such an interaction that can be even more detrimental.
The areas of the brain that encourage introspection and, in turn, develop empathy and understanding, are only active when a person is totally undistracted. By being constantly engaged with their devices or thinking about their next post, we are in danger of developing a generation that cares less about others.
The Solution
Our Promise
Utilising a combination of cutting edge technologies, Tomorrow’s Student will provide schools with MDM and MAM software to enable the restriction of smart devices and control access to apps and functionality, helping students to enjoy a better learning environment.
Our Solution
Controls access to apps and functionality whilst mobile phones are at school
Helps pupils focus and concentrate throughout the day
Helps schools promote pupils’ mental health and wellbeing
Helps combat cyberbullying and social media use on campus
Encourages pupils to develop meaningful communication and life skills
How It works
Tomorrow’s Student is your solution to managing the threat from mobile devices and social media to your children.
We can prohibit the use of cameras, voice recorders, video, browsers, and also prevent unauthorised apps such as social media platforms.
Cutting edge technology enables teachers and parents to blackout risks and distractions from mobile devices at school.
Tomorrow’s Student gives schools fully selective control over what their pupils can access and when they can access it.
What Now?
If you want to make a difference, or need some more information, get in touch using:
Of course we are not on social media!
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